Taking a break from music for a while, Dave & Taylor decide to try their luck at a comedy film. Dave & Taylor Go to White Castle (for obvious reasons) inspires young people everywhere... we're just not exactly sure what it inspires them to do. Eat? Drive around the state of New Jersey looking for a hamburger? You just know they're going to screw up and miss that interview the next day for a spot at medical school, but it's ok you know, because like.. they totally got to eat 50 sliders and drive around with Doogie Houser all night.

We heard that Lindsay Lo(ho)han wanted to be in this film but Dave refused to even read with her, much less let her in to his dressing room.

That's right. I went there.

After winning every single award available in the world of movie award give-aways... the boys decide that they want to take on a more serious film..........