
We Were Mentioned in Metal Hammer Magazine!


Dave with his Fans (Photos)


Check out our current photos of Dave with his fans


February 28, 2005

UPDATE - Our server is back online. You can access the new forum HERE

February 26, 2005

Well, hello there. Did you miss us? I know, I know...I apologize. We meant to have the new place up and running but due to circumstances beyond our control (Startlogic.com is the worst hosting company ever!) we were down for a week because of these fools. I mean, when you buy a whole hosting package, you kind of assume that they include the ability to upload your files to the Internet, but apparently after a week of telling me that my account had no problem and should be working, they finally decided to let me know 'oh by the way, you have to buy the extras just to upload your files'. Strange since none of the other hosting companies require this and/or it comes included. We switched again to dot5.com hosting and haven't had one problem yet. The whole reason for the hosting switch was so that our new site (still working on coverting the files) could support some of the new features that we're going for like our new forum and things like 'shout boxes', roll over features etc. It's going to be a hot little site after we get it all together. It's hard to just get it all done overnight since we all work, have lives to attend to and families and things like that.

Let's not even factor in that I've been offline for about the last 5 days because I've been very sick with this flu that is going around and I don't remember the last time I felt this bad. I am on the road to recovery however, and look forward to getting this fixed and showing it to you all.

If you haven't been over to our new forum, please go on over and register and start posting there.

Again, thanks so much to our girl 'Rival' and her brother Scott for designing the forum, and for basically putting up with my whining, bitching ass about this site. They've done everything (new site design, etc.) out of the goodness of their hearts and never expected anything in return from me and I really do appreciate them more than I can express. I'm sure Rival has had enough of my little Instant Messages saying, "hey, I have another question about the site...". I'm sure at some points she was ready to toss her computer out of the window.

Anyway, give us another week or so and we should have the new place going. We just didn't want to be 'offline' any longer and believe me, I have a million e mails from all of you begging for us to get our shit together and get this place open. I don't mind that at all though, because obviously it means we've done something right.

Thanks guys - keep checking back.

Much love,



February 14, 2005

I have many, many Valentine's Day Gifts for you all. I'll shower you in photos... I'll give you video after video of erotic ping pong playing. Well, not really...

So I go out of town for less than 48 hours, and I'm all, "Should I take my laptop with me? Nah, Cat.. don't be a total loser. Pretend you can spend five minutes away from the Internet. It's not like anything's going on. You'll get back and realize that you missed nothing."

*taps foot* I missed it all. Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party. Not to mention BB has new video up at his site. You can check it out over at his place or it's in our video section too.

That's it for now. Maybe I'll go out of town for a week and the album will magically be out.



February 6, 2005

Megumi scanned the cover of Crossbeat Magazine as well as some photos that accompanied the article. I added them to the Dave Interview that she translated for us so be sure to check them out HERE.

Speaking of the Crossbeat Magazine, we had an error in the date of the publication, so that has been changed.

Our friend Beck at our postboard has typed up Dave's article on Led Zeppelin that he wrote for Rolling Stone Magazine. I added it to the Articles & Interviews section. You can go there or click HERE to read it. Thanks for doing that, Beck.

If you haven't been to our postboard, check it out. Link above. If you haven't signed our Guest Book, please do!

If you've seen our Video page in the last 24 hours or so, you will see that we're setting up some videos from the Tsunami Concert at the Wiltern last month. They're not quite available yet as we're working out the bugs, so please just give us some time. These are the videos that Jan recorded at the show.



February 2, 2005

I've been meaning to get this up for everyone, but I'm really restricted with time, so I apologize.

Megumi, who is officially THE coolest girl in Tokyo, has translated the Crossbeat Magazine Article from Japan for us all. It's a great interview and gives us quite a bit of good information regarding the new Foo Fighters album. Read it, memorize it, worship it. Kiss it every morning when you wake up from new Foo Fighter album dreams. Hug it at night before you go to bed, kiddies.

Please, PLEASE for the love of God, tell Megumi how much you appreciate her doing this. She really is awesome and I love her and appreciate her and she's just a gal who loves herself some Dave Grohl. (And simply wants a hug from him when he shows up in Tokyo, HINT HINT, DAVE)

CLICKY and enjoy!
