
We Were Mentioned in Metal Hammer Magazine!


Dave with his Fans (Photos)


Check out our current photos of Dave with his fans


June 21, 2005

Our friend Megumi from Tokyo has sent over a great photo that was featured in a Japanese magazine called "Rockin' On".

Thanks to Megumi for always sharing and thanks to Kelli for doctoring the picture up for me.



June 16, 2005

I don't have any updates. I just want to say how amazing "In Your Honor" is and that I hope that all four of you guys, Dave, Chris, Nate, and Taylor, are proud of yourself. WELL DONE. I'm proud to be a fan (and proud to sound sappy about it). So I'm just going to sit back for a while and listen to the music and enjoy and hope and pray that you guys don't ever stop making tunes.

Much love,



June 14-15, 2005

Screen caps from Foo Fighters on Fuse HERE. And dammit.... I'm going to have to start a Taylor site because... just... damn. Howard Stern photos HERE.




Dave arriving at David Letterman show HERE


June 14, 2005

Screen caps from David Letterman anyone?

Has everyone recovered from the 24 hr thingie? Apparently I have because I'm up late watching Letterman.

And as if you didn't know.. get thee to a music store and buy up In Your Honor since it's out today.

Later, taters......




New screen caps are up HERE and I also have some nifty wireimage photos HERE. I'm through with this.. I'm sure the Fighters are sleeping by now, but not me.

Raise your hand if you'd rather see real fans who are ugly rocking out on MTV2 to their favorite band rather than prissy blonde tramps who have no idea who they're watching, but have all access.

*raises hand*

And my rant is over.



June 12, 2005

I'll have more screen caps up later of the 24 hours of Foo Fighters. My DVR is working overtime. Give me some time to get them up for you. You can check out the ones that I've done all ready HERE.



June 11, 2005

Normally, I don't give a crap about reviews, but since all the reviews I've read for "In Your Honor" are GOOD, I thought I would share. I'll have more up in a bit, but for now you can check out the review page.

And of course, today starts 24 hours of Foo Fighters on MTV 2 here in the states. I'm going to try and capture a lot of it for those who don't have MTV2 or live outside of the U.S., because I CARE, dammit. Trouble is, when I start capturing things, I sort of get a little out of control and I figure I need to probably just put the pics in an online scrapbook or something. So I've set one up with Photobucket HERE. You can keep checking back through the day and I'll be adding and adding.

And I hinted around the other day at joining up at our message forum because sometimes our really cool mods or our amazing community will post links to extra special things that they have created (video, audio). However, if you join up, take the time to become a functioning, posting person there. We love newbies and you'll find the forum is a good place to hang out.

So, as I said before, keep checking our online photo album of 24 hours of Foo Fighters.



June 9, 2005

Jay Leno show screen caps are now available. You know, it also pays to be a member of our message forums because extra special goodies are sometimes posted there. (That was a hint).

Happy Birthday to my bestest friend in the whole wide world (one of the two!). Happy Birthday, Star. I love you. *Mwah!*



June 5, 2005

MTV Movie Awards Photos are now up.



June 2, 2005

Hey everyone! It's a new month, we're starting on our second year here, and I just realized how there is NO way I could ever have all the information on every single little thing that is going on because .. well, there's just too much going on with Foo Fighters at the moment.

This is why you should join up at our message forum because we post a lot of things there that normally we don't get up here in the news department. I'm not just talking that the mods and I are the ones getting the info out...it's our forum members who are all excited about all things Dave and Foo at the moment. We have some really great people there who are fun to hang out with and to talk to.

So, I guess I'll look into my magic bag and pull out some pics from Australia.

Channel V and pics from the secret show at the Metro.

If you're bored, sign our Guest Book and if you're super bored, you can e mail me at webmaster@sweetparamania.com or chat with me on AIM at OneEyedCat1970

And on a personal note, Get Well Soon, Patrick... the biggest Foo Friend a girl could have!
