
We Were Mentioned in Metal Hammer Magazine!


Dave with his Fans (Photos)


Check out our current photos of Dave with his fans


April 18, 2009

by Leecy

Hi Everyone,

I'm helping out my friend, Paul, who is the webmaster over at FooArchive.com.

If you could take a minute to read his post at the Foo Fighters' message board, I'd appreciate it. Paul's a great guy (runs an AMAZING website) and it's something that you might benefit from.


April 16, 2009

by Leecy

Well I'm glad that I posted that photo yesterday because after opening my e mail this morning, I had more photos from JT of Dave in his school years. Check these out:

Click on photos to enlarge

Class Officers (center)


David Grohl has seen better days....


Mr. Vice President...


With Mom...

You know what's funny to me about this photo:


If you flash forward a couple of years, really, the same sort of thing is going on with Dave...

Thanks to DeiveFake at the Foo Fighters board for helping out with finding that last photo.

I added these to our page of "Dave as a kid" photos.

April 15, 2009

by Leecy

I love opening my e mail and receiving little photos like this:

I added it to our page of "Dave as a kid" photos. Enjoy!

April 12, 2009

by Leecy

Our friend Elle who helped redesign the site a year ago has made us a new wallpaper to celebrate the one year anniversary of the new design.

Click on the photo to get various sizes for downloading. Thanks, Elle! It looks great as usual.

Next month marks 5 years that we have been online. Send us birthday wishes and we'll post them. :-p

April 1, 2009

by Leecy

Sorry for a lack of updates. I've been chillin' down in Austin, Texas at South by Southwest with some old friends of mine. (I'm the blonde now).

Remember our friend Maria who won the Birthday book contest this year with this great entry? Well, guess what...girlie finally got that T-shirt signed by none other than our friend Dave.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say thank GOD - now we can all relax and go back to worrying about stimulus packages and bailout plans and things just not as important as this. I really mean that. I for one am sleeping better at night.

Rumor has it that Dave will be appearing in a movie called "See How They Run" which looks like a horror movie. Here's the poster. The tag line is "Five women alone in a remote mountain cabin. Hell. What could happen?"

Are you kidding me? That's the tag line? And Dave is in this movie? Holy crap that's just begging me to go watch this movie. Can I buy my tickets online before it hits theaters? I'm taking off work on opening day. Too much comedy gold right here.

Can you believe next month we're 5 yrs old?